Migrate from Moment.js to date-fns
Use date-fns as modern date and time library By: Dániel Sipos onMoment.js has been a popular library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates for a decade. However, Moment.js has too many disadvantages compared to modern date and time libraries, like date-fns.
Its API is not immutable, it is large, and it does not support tree shaking. Even the Moment team discourages to use their library in new projects. They provide several great options to consider using instead of Moment.js.
When choosing, consider that:
- Some libraries are split into modules, plugins, or companion libraries.
- Some libraries use the ECMAScript Intl API for locales, time zones, or both.
- Some libraries still provide their own locale and time zone files like Moment and Moment-Timezone do.
Here are good alternatives, that Moment.js team recommends: Luxon, Day.js, date-fns, js-Joda and JS Date Object
How to migrate from Moment.js
- Create a date-time service that hides what library you’re using. If you decide to replace the library in the future, you’ll need to update only one file.
- Create extensive unit tests for the service.
- Use eslint-plugin-you-dont-need-momentjs to find all instances of Moment in your codebase and replace them using your new service.
- Uninstall moment.js
import parseISO from "date-fns/parseISO";
import format from "date-fns/format";
import add from "date-fns/add";
import differenceInMonths from "date-fns/differenceInMonths";
import differenceInDays from "date-fns/differenceInDays";
import { zonedTimeToUtc } from "date-fns-tz";
import { DateTimeService } from "./date-time-service";
import * as Constants from "./constants";
export const DateFnsService: DateTimeService = class {
static parseISO() {
static formatInstance() {
format(DATE_TIME_INSTANCE, "R-MM-dd");
static tranformInstance() {
add(DATE_TIME_INSTANCE, { years: 2 });
static diffBetweenInstances() {
static compareInstances() {
static timezone() {
zonedTimeToUtc(Constants.DATE_TIME_ISO, Constants.TIMEZONE);
static setGlobalLocale() {
// Not supported
// https://date-fns.org/v2.16.1/docs/I18n
Final words
I use the date-fns library in my hobby projects, and it is the most powerful date library, that I have ever seen.